Sunday, 13 March 2016

MEST1 Section B: Institution research

Ill Manors: Funding and production budget

1. The estimated budget for the film iLL Manors was estimated around 100,000 GBP.

2. The funding for the film as received by BBC Films, Film London and Microwave Films.

3. The budget for the film Skyfall is estimated to be around $200,000,000 which is a lot larger than the budget for the film iLL Manors when comparing both of these films together.

A Field In England: Funding and production budget

1. The estimated budget for the film A Field In England is around £316,000.

2. A Field In England received more money than iLL Manors did due to it having P&A support from the BFI.

3. Shifty is another film which is similar to the film iLL Manors, they are both based in run down urban areas and the common theme which seems to appear is drugs and violence. The main character of the film Shifty is also in iLL Manors. The main difference between both of these films is that with iLL Manors there is more of a individual and his life whereas with Shifty the film is to do with two friends and the storyline is based on both of them.

Film London and Microwave Film

1. Film London is a non profitable association which is supported by the national and regional government. It's aim is to support those who are making low budget films.

2. Microwave Films is there to help talented film makers who are staring to make a name for themselves and supporting them.

3. One film that is also funded by Microwave Films is Shifty, it is similar to the film iLL Manors as both films are drug related and the main character for the film Shifty also plays the leading role in iLL Manors. The main difference between the two films is that iLL Manors is more to do with the life of one main character whereas Shifty is a film based on two friends who take on an adventure which happens to have the involvement of drugs.

Vertigo Films and Warp Films

1. Vertigo Films have made The Football Factory, Sweeney, Monsters, Step Up 2 and more.

2. I think these films were successful with their audience as they targeted a wide audience but also had a core target audience. The films had a clear narrative but also had an alternative storyline to other big Hollywood blockbuster films and these films being an alternative during the release of them made them for successful as they are different.

3. They have worked with genres such as horror, dance, drama, thriller, comedy and more.

4Warp films first started out as Warp Records (the first version of itself) It was created by NESTA who also gave financial support, and had the remit to produce short films. It had set-up head quarters in Sheffield and in London

5. This is England, 4 Lions and 71

6. They develop new talent by getting new film makers who have the talent to produce a film and make a bigger name for themselves.

7. One film that is similar to iLL Manors is the film 71 which is similar as they are both to do with a young character and this is also seen with the film The Football factory. The difference between iLL Manors and 71 is that it is more historical and a difference with The Football Factory is that it is more sports based.

Certification: BBFC

1. The BBFC certification process works through identifying the content of the film and deciding what the rating should be depending on what it is that is being shown and then the age is decided.

2. An 18 rating films has a lot more explicit content than a film that is aged for the audience of 15 year olds. An 18 certificate film has more strong language, the violence is not hidden from the audience and will have more use of drugs and sexual content. A 15 rated film may have some of these but will not be as explicit.

3. iLL Manors was given an 18 certificate as it showed the use of hardcore drugs that were being used and also a lot of gore and violence. There was a lot of sexual content in the film such as prostitution and people having sex. This would have affected the success of the film as those who are younger won't be able to see the film as Plan B wanted to show the realistic feel the film had to offer.

4. The film is rated 15 and this is because the film doesn't have content that could be too explicit for a younger audience, it has references to the use of drugs in the film as the film is based on a psychedelic trip.

5. The advantage of this is that those of a younger age won't be exposed to explicit content but the disadvantage is that the target audience will not be as wide as it could be if the film was 15 or even 12.

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