Saturday, 23 January 2016

iLL Manors film review

Director - The director of the film is Ben Drew but also know as Plan B due to his musical talents that he's known for.

Plot - The film was about two male protagonists called Aaron and Ed. Their life and actions that they did had an impact on the lives of others around them. The film has all the characters lives all intertwined together.

Characters - Although the film focused on a range of characters the two main protagonists were Aaron and Ed.

Genre - The genre of the film is a crime drama, this is identifiable from the film as there are scenes that are to do with people living in urban areas and their lifestyle. The drama accept to it is all the characters playing a role in eachother life and how eveything links back together.

Soundtrack - The soundtrack of the film was created by Plan B himself. This was done to fit the the genre of the film and the whole urban lifestyle as Plan B has been exposed to this before and made songs based on it. It was also beneficial as he's been seen in films such as 'Adulthood' and knows what soundtrack would be expected for the audience.

Audience - The audience is aimed at mainly 14-40 year olds as a crime drama is most likely to be for a younger audience especially when in urban areas, those who are of an older age may be put off by the use of slang which is why this promotes a younger audience. The split of male to female would be 50:50 as it is mainly about the lifestyle of those in urban areas and not focusing on the sex of any character although some may argue that it targets mainly men due to the violence and criminal side that the film displays.

The film iLL Manors is to do with two main protagonists Aaron and Ed, their life and choices that they make influence others life's and the choices that they make also affect the lives of Aaron and Ed. The storyline is to do with people living in an urban area in London and the lifestyle of those characters. The film has really fast paced editing at th start and throughout the film as well. Another key element which makes this film unique was that the lives of all the characters intertwined with eachother. This made the film more successful as the choices and lifestyle of each character had an impact on eachother and this was different to other films as you could see the lives of other characters in detail as well as the main protagonists. In certain scenes of the film their was music which described what was happening in the scene why it was happening and narrated the film itself, this was a key element as the soundtrack wasn't just another feature of the film but key as it tells a story and narrates the film itself. Both Aaron and Ed were in foster care together and have known eachother majority of their life. Both of them live in an urban area and are selling drugs, Ed is caught selling drugs whilst Aaron gets away. When he comes out of prison he has to get his phone back off Aaron, the phone has been misplaced and the night is spent looking for his phone. Throughout the night the stumble across people who may have the phone and come across a women. The women spends her night gaining the money for the lost phone Ed had and tries to pay him back £1000 by the end of the night. Later on the phone is found but the phone that was sold by the women happened to be someone else's phone. The film is mainly based on drugs and how that impacts life of teenagers and adults on a daily basis in London and how their lifestyle is influenced because of this.  There is also two characters named Jake and Marcel, Marcel is the leader of the gang and Jake is just joining after beating his friend up to obtain weed from Marcel. Marcel was caught earlier by Kirby who works for Chris, through the film the decisions each of them make impact eachother where at one point the confrontation between Kirby and Marcel lead to an attack being placed on Kirby but in the process of doing the Jake who kills Kirby also kills a young girl who is the sister of Chris who is a well known drug dealer. Chris then finds out who had killed his sister and as a result of this both Jake and Marcel are murdered by him. Chris is then left to place the gun at the pub and as he goes to collect it the following day it is then identifiable that the gun has been stolen and is in the hands of Aaron instead. Aaron is then on a train and has been burdened with a baby as a women has left her child on the train, he then looks after the child as it had been abandoned and tries to find its mother. The baby is then later sold to the owner of the pub. Previously before all of this the mother of the child was with the women that Ed and Aaron had come across who apparently sold Eds phone, they went to look for the child and then eventually found Aaron. They went to get the baby back from the pub but later found that there was a fire causing everyone to panic. Ed comes into the pub hoping to find Aaron as he has been told to retrieve the gun and doing so he rescues the baby. Although the baby has been rescued and everyone is safe Ed jumps out of the window and dies. Aaron retrieves the gun back to Chris and as a result is given a job proposal but refuses at the end of it and Chris is later arrested as drugs are found in the boot of the car. The film on the whole is enjoyable and was memorable due to the unique qualities that it had. I would give the film 7/10.

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