Thursday, 28 January 2016

Ill Manors broadcast platform: trailer analysis

1. The key conventions that provided us with information was the name of the director which people are more likely to watch the film due to the successes. There is also information about the distributors and the main stars of the film which is common of most film trailers as they are used to promote the audience if they are a well known actor. There is a part of Todorovs equilibrium theory as the trailer shows the equilibrium and the disequilibrium but not the new equilibrium so that the audience can be left with the question about what is going to happen Enigma code.

2. Trailers are short clips of a film, the clips that are used are mainly scenes that leave the audience with a question about what the film is about and what is going to happen - enigma code. The best scenes are chosen for this and as a result is produced into a trailer. There are two types of trailers one which is for 30 seconds which is a few months before the film or a year depending on the promotion. The second trailer can last up to 3 minutes and the trailer for iLL Manors was a lot shorter at 1 minute 44 seconds.

3. The typical conventions that the trailer had were star ratings and reviews from magazines such as Men’s Health, Q magazine, Time Out and FHM. The main target audience for these particular magazines are youth orientated and trying to target mainly men, Time Out especially is targeting people who live in London as it is a London based magazine and those who value the status it has achieved over the years are more inclined to watch the film. There was also the name and logo of the film itself at the end so it's the very last thing the audience sees making it more memorable. Through the trailer there was music that was being played and had two tracks. The first track was a voice over narrating the story making it seem like an urban musical. The second track that is played is towards the end and is played in the film and sold in the album as well as being played in the trailer. At about half way through the trailer there was a rhetorical question that was asked towards the audiences engaging them more with the trailer. 

4. The main target audience would be mainly youth orientated and predominately in London which is identified for the scenes of the Olympic stadium in the trailer and the distributors that promote films in London or London orientated. It will appeal to a younger target audience who are in London as the film is London based and to do with lives of young adults and teenage members of society, it is promoting people who live in urban areas and how their lifestyle is on a daily basis compared to the majority of the people who may not have to live their life in poverty. The unique selling point for the film is that the director is also a well-known rapper meaning the film will be more successful with promotion as he is well known. The clips of the trailer that have been used are fast paced making it parallel to the music that is being played. The trailer gives slight clues about the narrative of the film which is seen with the scenes of drugs so the audience can identify that the story is drug orientated which is seen to be a common trend with films to do with urban lifestyles. The main characters are identifiable in the trailer and they have more focus on them than the other characters, there is also information about the director at the start of the trailer so the audience know who's produced the film. The release date of the film is at the end of the trailer so it's the last thing the audience see so that they remember when the film is coming out. There is a voice over of the director Plan B at the start of the film explaining some aspects of the film and this is effective as the audience are more inclined to watch the trailer as the voice over of the director is identifiable which will promote the film. 

5. The genre of the film has been represented through the characters by the way that they act, such as criminal behaviour and the use of drugs. The way that they dress, in jogging bottoms and hoodies. This is seen throughout the whole film as they are in an urban area and is the common trend but could also be for financial reasons. The setting also highlights the genre as it is a run down urban area in London which could convey the use of drugs and violence. The music also is a key part in this as it describes what is happening turning it into a musical but also having a narrator at the same time. The music is very urban and gritty but could also fall under the category of grime which is a London based genre and fits well with the theme of the film. The dialogue that is spoken in the film has a lot of slang that's involved in conversation between the characters in the film and is very street based, this compliments what the film is about as people in urban areas are more likely to speak this type of jargon that someone from, a wealthy middle class family which would be completely contrapuntal to the genre of the film and in some instances not fit the general stereotype that society has of people in urban areas.

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