Sunday, 7 February 2016

Ill Manors: Broadcast platform concluded

DVD extras
1. Plan Bs intention to making the film was to challenge the mindset of those who stereotype and victimise people who are from a lower class background than themselves and are living on council estates. It is to show the lifestyle behind it and the choices that people living in those conditions make.

2. People that were chosen for the roles in the films were people who have been around that lifestyle or in that lifestyle, the film was set to be as realistic as possible so the film was shot in East London and the cast were from deprived backgrounds.

3. The target audience from the documentary is not just set out for those who are of a young age living in London who are predominantly from council houses around the ages of 12-28; the film is also for people who are not from a working class background but from a middle class background who are living in more wealthier parts in London and around the UK to challenge their mindset rather than assuming people who are on estates are all negative influences.

4. I think the film doesn't successfully do this as people who don't understand what Plan B is trying to do or the exact message he's getting across will take a negative influence about the film which the initial objective Plan B set out was to challenge the communing stereotype of the lives and people in the film. In some cases some people would say it does do this as it debreifs the audience about what his intentions were making it more visible for the audience to understand.


1. SBTV is a successful YouTube channel which is created by Jammal Edwards who puts music on his channel and videos that target a predominantly youth orientated audience who listen to urban music which is still a very niche audience regardless of the high status that it has maintained over the years. The channel would be for those who are explorers and the type of music is recently been introduced to the UK culture and people are still exploring it. The ages of people whom may view this channel would be around the ages of 12-38 from mainly London. Jammal Edwards created the channel in 2006 but has been active since 
2010, the brand has now got its own channel and can be followed on different social media networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. 

2. The opening of the clip would be attracting those who are fans of the genre of music that's played on the channel which we can tell by the way SBTV was introduced at the start of the video itself. The audience would be youth orientated and from a working class background as the music is urban and London underground music.

3. Plan B is represented as being highly regarded in the video and to show his successes and the commitment he has when making his projects and producing them. The brand itself he has created is portrayed to be of a high status and we'll known which is because of the fan base he has accumulated over the years but also through the time and effort that has been put into the film itself.


1. Jonathan Ross first appeared on ITV on 3rd September 2011 on Saturday nights during prime time, there is also Friday nights with Jonathan Ross on BBC one. The show is filmed at the London studios. The show was suspended when Russle Brand and Jonathan Ross in the events that took place on the Russle Brand show prank telephone calls row. It got banned through compliments that it had attracted to itself. 

2. The target audience would be targeting families as the show is placed during prime time on TV. It would be seen to be for those who are explorers who are exploring different types of shows and also for the strugglers as they are seen the ones to be uncappable of succeeding in society.

3. The audience appeal for Jonathan Ross would be around the ages of 20-60 and from a working class background, they are interested in the lifes of people who appear on the show and the style of chat shows themselves.

4. Plan B is represented as being someone who has come from a poor working class and has made his successes through his music and film. The film is seen to be there to challenge people's views about people living in council estates which has given him a better brand recognition and a higher status and is presented as being more prestigious.


1. BBC one radio recieves 10.44 million listeners per week but has also had a decline in the amount of listeners that it recieves over the recent years which could be due to social media sites. This is there to provide listens with news and updates but with social media lurking around the corner rather than viewers listening to the radio they are more likely to interact with their mobile phones.

2. The target audience for BBC one radio would be those who are driving and not using forms of public transport, they would be middle aged and would be working class, this is because they would be getting news that would target them rather than those who are middle class as there are other radio channels that target them.

3. Plan B talks about his life and his upbringing and how it relates to the film and the lives of people in the film and those who are also experiencing issues like this on a daily basis. He also talks about his future and how the soundtrack was also produced before the film to gain support for the film and to rally up the Plan B fanbase to have a core target audience for the film.

4. Plan B represents himself as being someone who has struggled in life before due to his lifestyle and upbringing, he shows that people can overcome their problems and background with a little bit of help or even just one person to make a difference. He portrays himself as someone who can make a difference and will help people who are in need of it. 

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