The dominant reading is that the image is having to get across that there's a strong presence when wearing this brand which 50 Cent has and younger members of the audience look up to him as their role model. As a result of purchasing this brands products you will instantly become like 50 Cent in some ways. The image of his finger prints is to show is identity which makes him who he is. On the other hand the oppositional reading contrasts with this thought as the finger prints are there to tell us about his criminal record. This could then have a negative effect on the younger members of the audience as they may perceive the situation as being a criminal makes you famous as they're more impressionable.
The dominant reading of this poster is that buying these shoes will help you to perform better as a basketballer as the slogan says 'Rise Above'. I can connote that this is to get the audience to be more inclined to purchasing this product as Derrick Rose is one of the most recognisable athletes around the world. As a result of this people will recognise his accomplishments as an athlete and would want to buy products he's promoting. The image shows to have skill and dominance which people will want to adopt as result of purchasing the shoes to duplicate Derrick Roses performance as an athlete. However, the oppositional reading could be that when purchasing this product it will instantly make the individual better which could be disappointing for them as they may not improve.
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